Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Playlist

It's been one of those weekends. The kind that is great for catching up on sleep and getting over a cold. My belief is that Sundays are meant to be lazy days. They are for doing laundry and finishing that paper you can't put off writing any longer. Of course, those tasks are made better by having some music going on in the background. The playlist I came up with seems to be pretty reflective of the past few days I've had. So without further ado, I give you some old favorites along with some songs new to me that I just can't stop listening to.
1. Cillie Barnes - Indian Hill
2. Big Scary - Thinking About You
3. Niva - The Boy from the Sun
4. Tin Sparrow - For You
5. Kate McGill - White Blank Page Cover
6. Blind Pilot - Three Rounds and a Sound
7. Yael Naim - Far Far
8. Stevie Nicks - If You Ever Did Believe 9. The Slip - Suffocation Keep 10. Amos Lee - Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight