Thursday, December 29, 2011


Everything from the song, to the random movements of the lead singer makes me want to own anything she wears in this music video. It also makes me reconsider my choice of hairstyle.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I have spent my last few mornings catching up on American Horror Story so I could watch the season finale last night and I realized that while understated, the costume designers do a great job. Especially with Violet and Nora. Although I doubt Nora's outfits will be easy to find, or wear for that matter, Violet's are easily accessible and the long sleeves she always wears to cover her scars can be a way to stay warm during the winter. Her dresses could definitely use some tailoring but the basic concept of her style is well thought out. You'd think it would be difficult to pay attention to the fashion in the show with the plot going in every unexpected direction but it almost always stands out to me. Needless to say, the episodes have been phenomenal regardless of the clothes.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


With the holidays coming up, I'll be attending several parties. Some are more laid back than others, but I enjoy getting dressed up from time to time. For New Years especially, I've been looking for something that's detailed and stands out without being too expensive. The pictures shown above are my dream party dresses but since I have no idea what store they came from or the cost, I'll have to make do with something else. I have listed a few options that are just as cute and still affordable.


Image I have recently become addicted to Pinterest. There's something about having thousands of amazing ideas in one place that instantly inspires me to make my room cuter, cook more and put different outfits together. I collected my favorite posts to share them on here and hopefully they'll do the same for you.

Monday, December 19, 2011






all photos courtesy of


I've always been a fan of Emma Roberts and when I saw this "Supervideo" for one of my favorite songs, I immediately wanted to recreate her look. Yes, that includes the big hair and winged eyeliner.She does a great job of channeling ;Brigitte Bardot circa 1963 and the look has definite potential for a future Halloween costume.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I should win an award for my procrastination skills. I haven't even started Christmas shopping and my list of people to buy presents for is growing by the minute. If you're having trouble coming up with something to buy, I've listed some suggestions for both guys and girls that will hopefully help, especially in such a short time period.

Sunday Playlist

It's been one of those weekends. The kind that is great for catching up on sleep and getting over a cold. My belief is that Sundays are meant to be lazy days. They are for doing laundry and finishing that paper you can't put off writing any longer. Of course, those tasks are made better by having some music going on in the background. The playlist I came up with seems to be pretty reflective of the past few days I've had. So without further ado, I give you some old favorites along with some songs new to me that I just can't stop listening to.
1. Cillie Barnes - Indian Hill
2. Big Scary - Thinking About You
3. Niva - The Boy from the Sun
4. Tin Sparrow - For You
5. Kate McGill - White Blank Page Cover
6. Blind Pilot - Three Rounds and a Sound
7. Yael Naim - Far Far
8. Stevie Nicks - If You Ever Did Believe 9. The Slip - Suffocation Keep 10. Amos Lee - Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight

Monday, October 24, 2011

(A Cure for) the Mondays.

Today I received a text from my mom that said, "I've been wishing all of you girls were little again. Like in the house in New Jersey. I miss being the mom of four young girls. You are all growing up..." While I'm away from home and at college, my older sister has recently graduated from flight attendant training. She still has my two younger sisters but they're old enough to do their own thing without the help of my mother. Reading this text made me a little homesick for the first time since I moved out and it made me think of all the things I missed back home. But instead of dwelling on what I can't access or who I can't be near anymore, I've decided to spend this week further exploring my new town. Until then, these are the things I can't wait to get back to when I visit for Thanksgiving along with some things I stumbled across that remind me of home.
A letter from my sister written inside a photo album given to me last Christmas.

My beautiful akita, Sadie and the occasional snow-fall.

Going all out for Halloween.

Not to mention, my walk-in closet, pecan pie milkshakes and of course, my family.